Story Movie
One day an ordinary family - husband, wife and two small sons - goes to visit their grandfather on Christmas Eve. It so happens that one of the children is left alone with the old man, who has never said a word before and now suddenly starts telling his grandson all sorts of scary things about Santa Claus.
Review 4K Movie
The movie Silent Night, Deadly Night was probably not a revelation when it came out in its distant and blessed 80s. Individuals who watched it back then must have seen ears from dozens of films of a similar genre, but having watched it for the first time in 2012 I can't help but say - this movie, even if it can't be called a success, was a definite beginning. You could say it's the seed from which Dexter grew more than 20 years later. But more...
For fans of slashers the movie will be interesting, first of all, because the murderer was chosen by the character from whom you least expect a trick - Ho-ho-ho, it's Santa Claus. Later thrash movies like Santa Killer, etc. would come out, but back then, in the 80s, it seemed like a very strong move.
Thriller fans will see something different in the movie, and it is this other thing that I believe the movie has earned the right to see. And it is because of this that the review of the movie with a rather low score is a positive one. But more about the plot.
A boy in his childhood, after communicating with a crazy grandfather who promised that he would be punished by Santa Claus - loses his parents. They were killed... Santa Claus, or rather, a killer in his costume. He shot his dad and (here it's not clear from the movie at all) - either raped him, or just took off his blouse so that everyone could see his tits (and the tits in the movie are decent), and then killed his mom. The guy himself and his younger brother escaped.
In an orphanage for orphans he encountered a foolish superior, who, fancying herself a psychologist, decided to treat like-minded people, which strengthened the boy's phobia very deeply. Plus, seen at the same time sexual experience of two older students, and after that, the punishment of the abbess, even more deepened inside the already shaken psyche of the link sex-sin-punishment.
At the age of 18 (although the actor playing the guy is clearly not 18, but 25 years old), he gets a job at a children's toy store, where, for New Year's Eve, the salesman makes him wear a Santa Claus suit, which is already difficult for the guy's sluggish schizophrenia. Further, an attempted rape by a coworker of a girl finally brings his psychopathy into the thermal stage and... morning begins at the collective farm. The guy in the Santa suit went crazy, grabbed every tool at hand, and started crumbling everyone he could with the cry of 'Sin! Punishment! That's the whole plot.
The main, and the main plus of this movie from the position of a thriller lover - the main character is the killer. Unlike ordinary slashers, where the killer is an unknown (or known (but more often unknown)) who, here the killer is clear at first. He turns from a rather disgusting child into a very cute guy with such a nice smile that it is immediately obvious - a clinical psychopath. Actually, the image of a dormant psychopath the actor succeeded best of all - the image of a functioning psychopath he failed on all fronts - you don't believe it for a second. This, by the way, the main disadvantage of the movie - the game of the main character - hackwork. While the external data he has - very much so nothing. By the way on this movie the career of the main character, in fact, ended. Several roles in serials - nothing big.
Another minus - very drawn out first part. It would look harmonious, if the second part was not a stupid pissing match. So it feels like the director who made it was schizophrenic himself, and made two different pieces for different movies.
The spectacularity of the kills is 50/50. On one hand - the movie has some landmark finds that were then used and cited throughout the slasher genre. On the other hand - they are done in a clumsy manner, and everything is complicated by the main character's 'out of place' face.
There are a lot of boobs on screen, and in general 'scenes of young bodies intertwined'. This is all to Zygmund Ivanovich's credit - Eros and Thanatos go hand in hand in the movie. By the way, since we are talking about Freud - the image of the formation of a psychopath is shown, as far as I am concerned, very authentically. The very formation of the logical connection sex/death is made not without love for the subject. That's putting it mildly - not without love. I do not remember in the genre more thorough (although it is not for the benefit of the genre, but this is what distinguishes it) analysis of the algorithm of the formation of pathology in the head of a child. But the psychopath's way of acting, in my opinion, is not shown in any way. And this is a huge minus. Such a powerful, wonderful approach, and such a flop at the end. It's a shame. Although psychologism is present, and at the stage of formation, in some places even more than in modern films - this is certainly a merit.
Bottom line: this is the ancestor of the 'out of sight' slasher - the action through the eyes of the psychopath killer himself. The psychopath is screwed up - he's not entirely believable. But the approach itself, coupled with some of the findings - just great. The movie didn't become a cult movie, but it got its place in history. And thank you for that. Green light for a classic,