Story Movie
Tang Hau Yuega, a warrior, loses his teacher. He was killed by his longtime rival, who took revenge for his love affair with his wife. The woman in despair committed suicide. The unhappy jealous man, shocked by her death, chops off his own leg. Tan Hau Yueg initially decides to take revenge on the murderer, but soon the enemies unite. They must work together to investigate the death of the Teacher's widow, who was insidiously poisoned by someone.....
Review 4K Movie
China. Olden times. A large-scale tournament is held, in which masters of the most famous kung-fu schools take part. Chun Samthai, a teacher of the Tangshan school, easily defeats all his rivals. The winner is approached by his wife and daughter, as well as his favorite student - Tan Houwan. Under the general applause of the crowd and explosions of firecrackers, bring the cherished sign, which will henceforth decorate the school Tangshan. But the happiness was short-lived. A gray-haired man, a certain Master Jun, appeared at the door and demanded a fight with the winner. Delicate objections that the tournament has already ended, Jun categorically refuses to listen. The noble Samthai accepts the challenge, and this decision will be fatal for him. Jun literally destroys him in a one-on-one fight with his lightning-fast legs, and even after Samthai admits defeat, he continues to finish him off. After the fight, Jun's spectacular leg kick shattered the sign that had just been handed to Samthai, thereby inflicting a moral insult on his defeated opponent. That same evening, a blood-splattered Samthai, before his passing into eternity, implores Tang Houwang to take care of his wife and daughter, and to do everything he can to wash away the shame of the Tangshan School. Devastation and rage overwhelm Houwan and he vows to fulfill his teacher's last will at all costs.
Thus begins Dragon Fist: Luo Wei's latest feature film. A very controversial figure for Hong Kong cinema, but certainly a very significant one, if not the most significant one, if you look at things straight on, without taking your eyes off to the side. It was Luo Wei who directed the first two Bruce Lee movies, Big Boss and Fist of Fury, and he was the first to see the potential in a very young guy with a big nose, and gave this guy the lead role in the movie, The New Fist of Fury, the sequel to his own iconic Bruce Lee movie. After a while, the whole world would know this guy as Jackie. It turns out that if it were not for the keen eye of Luo Wei, the names - Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, we would not tell us anything today. And the fact that they both could not get along with Lo Wei on the same set, and eventually ran away from him, does not cancel his merits as a pioneer of the two major stars in Hong Kong cinema.
Lo Wei's films with Jackie Chan are an unparalleled blend of wuxia, kung fu, mysticism and detective, all mixed with his trademark, dark atmosphere. You can see that Luo Wei didn't really complain about the meticulous work on set, and made movies quickly and sprawlingly, not caring much about the quality of the fight scenes or the cameraman's work in those scenes. And the scripts of Gu Lung, with whom Lo Wei was working at the time, were very intricate, while the public at the time wanted more straightforward stories. So by the end of the 70's, things were not going well for Luo Wei. His films were not able to compete with Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers, and Jackie Chan had already starred on the side in “Drunken Master” and was the #1 star in Hong Kong. After that, he was determined to get away from his oppressive director, so “Dragon Fist” was Lo Wei's last chance to just stay in the movie industry, and Jackie Chan only starred in it because he was still contractually bound to Lo Wei.
This time Lo Wei decided not to work with Gu Lung, who specialized in wuxia: “Kill with Intrigue”, “Killer Meteor” “Magnificent Bodyguards” came out from under his pen, and go off the beaten path, which once led him to a resounding success with Bruce Lee. The main theme in “Dragon Fist” is the same as in all kung fu movies of that time - the theme of revenge. But here it takes a less straightforward form. A young man, played by Jackie Chan, wants revenge for the death of his teacher, but June has already suffered a terrible punishment: he lost his wife and became an invalid. Desperate guy who can not fulfill the last will of his teacher, immediately took advantage of the local gangsters-smugglers, with whom June has long been at war. So from a banal story about revenge, “Dragon Fist” turns into a heartbreaking story about humility and forgiveness, as well as about the choice between good and evil, which must be made by a very young man. Jun's entire life has become an act of atonement for the murder he committed by failing to forgive Samthai for his long-standing affair with his wife, and now he's doing everything he can to make sure Houwang doesn't make the same mistakes he did when he was young. Conspiracies and intrigues follow on the heels of Houwan and Jun. It all ends in a huge fight, and Houwan ends up defending Jun, i.e. choosing the side of goodness and forgiveness.
In terms of drama, “Dragon Fist” is many times better than even Luo Wei's movies with Bruce Lee. Apparently, he already had a premonition that this would be his last work in the movie, so he gave his best. Ancient Chinese landscapes of unearthly beauty, against the background of which a tragedy is played out. Autumn overcast weather, steam from the mouths of heroes and puddles on the roads - all this fits very organically into this gloomy story, which tells Lo Wei. The fights staged by Jackie himself look much more spectacular than in other kung fu movies of the time. Especially sticks in the memory, the climactic scene in which the widow of the master dies and Houwang, overflowing with rage, crushes in a puff of dust, scum, accidentally caught under his hot hand.
All of Jackie's accusations against Luo Wei, today it is especially strange to hear, after in his old age, the once idol of millions rolled up to participate in “The Secret of the Dragon Seal” with Schwarzenegger. Money does not smell, but it smells reputation, which Jackie already just stinks so that in order not to choke on the quality of the movies in which he starred in the 21st century. Against their backdrop, the good old kung fu movies of Luo Wei seem like true masterpieces of filmmaking, and “Dragon Fist” is, in fact, one of them. At least, there is no stronger drama in Jackie Chan's entire filmography.