Story Movie
![Invasion of the Body Snatchers 4K 1978 Ultra HD 2160p]()
San Francisco, 1970s. After a heavy downpour, mysterious flowers bloom throughout the city. Biologist Elizabeth Driscoll brings one of them home. And soon she notices that her friend Jeffrey is behaving strangely. Elizabeth turns to her friend Matthew Bannell for advice, and is surprised to learn that she is not the only one facing such a problem. It seems that a lot of people in the city are beginning to do things that are unusual for them.
Review 4K Movie
Dostatochno slozhno i daleko ne vsegda vozmozhno perelozhit' literaturnoye proizvedeniye na yazyk kinematografa. I dazhe yesli popytka sdelana, ne fakt, chto ona okazhetsya udachnoy. Udachnoy dazhe ne v smysle neposredstvennogo povtoreniya proizvedeniya, a v plane togo, kak donesena ideya i naskol'ko lenta okazhetsya udobovarimoy i aktual'noy. Poetomu daleko ne vso, napisannoye na bumage, okazyvayetsya na ekrane. Shedevru zhe Dzheka Finneya byla ugotovana dolgaya i raznoobraznaya kinematograficheskaya zhizn', voploshchonnaya daleko ne v odnoy ekranizatsii. Kstati, etot protsess prodolzhayetsya do sikh por. Lenta Filippa Kaufmana «Vtorzheniye pokhititeley tel» 1978 goda yavlyayetsya ne original'noy versiyey, a rimeykom klassicheskogo «Vtorzheniya» Dona Sigela 1956 goda. Chto interesno, Kevin MakKarti (glavnyy geroy «pervogo» fil'ma) i sam Sigel prinyali uchastiye v proyekte Kaufmana, sygrav epizodicheskiye roli (probegayushchego cheloveka i taksista sootvetstvenno). Dozhd'. Po vsemu gorodu raspuskayutsya neobychnyye tsvety. Ochen' skoro zhiteli goroda nachinayut zamechat' strannyye izmeneniya, proiskhodyashchiye s ikh blizkimi, znakomymi. No eto tol'ko nachalo. Im predstoit stolknut'sya so strannym, apatichnym povedeniyem okruzhayushchikh, so slovno ukutannymi v kokon telami spyashchikh lyudey, s otvratitel'nymi gigantskimi tsvetami, rozhdayushchimi na svet klony spyashchikh, so strakhom, obuyavshim vremenno utselevshikh i s beznadozhnost'yu polozheniya. Syuzhet takov, chto bud' kartina snyata segodnya, o ney obyazatel'no skazali by ne slishkom priyatnoye slovo – shtamp. No eto segodnya, kogda kinorynok zapolnen povtoryayushchimi drug druga istoriyami, sorevnuyushchimisya tol'ko razve chto v stepeni zadeystvovaniya komp'yutera. A Sigel i Kaufman stoyali u istokov, pri chom s bleskom spravilis' so svoyey zadachey. Chest' im i khvala za eto. Ne vsegda i ne vse pomnyat imena rodonachal'nikov togo ili inogo yavleniya, no nazvannyye vyshe imena boleye chem dostoyny ostat'sya v pamyati. S samykh pervykh kadrov vidna planka, vzyataya rezhissorom. Svidetel'stvom tomu yavlyayutsya otlichnyye spetseffekty, kotoryye poyavlyayutsya v samom nachale i raduyut zritelya do kontsa fil'ma. Razmnozheniye spor, obrazovaniye tsvetov, rozhdeniye klonov, umilitel'naya sobaka s chelovecheskim litsom… Rabota Kaufmana i komandy yavno ne prokhodnaya, inache ne uvideli by my stol' yestestvennykh spetseffektov, sdelannykh prosto vysokoklassno i na sovest'. Ne ustayu pet' difiramby masteram proshlykh desyatiletiy, ibo nikakoy komp'yuter nikogda ne dayot nastol'ko zhivogo atmosfernogo oshchushcheniya, nastol'ko chotkogo pogruzheniya v proiskhodyashcheye, chto kartinka na ekrane i real'nost' bukval'no smeshivayutsya. Donal'd Sazerlend, kak vsegda, proizvol tol'ko blagopriyatnoye vpechatleniye. Bylo dostatochno interesno uvidet' yego v takom vozraste, kogda pyshnuyu prichosku yeshcho ne tronula sedina, kogda yemu yeshcho ne prisushcha byla yego polukomichnaya ulybka. Absolyutno ser'yoznaya produmannaya rol', s kotoroy on velikolepno spravilsya, sobstvenno, kak i yego kollegi po tsekhu Bruk Edams i Dzhef Goldblum. V lente voobshche ne nablyudayetsya prisutstviye dazhe logkogo yumora. Prichinoy tomu yavlyayetsya, vo-pervykh, stsenariy po romanu Finneya, fantasta, kotoryy slavitsya imenno filosofskim, glubokim, no niskol'ko ne yumornym povestvovaniyem, v otlichiye ot mnogikh drugikh pisateley etogo zhanra; a vo-vtorykh, neizmennaya otlichitel'naya cherta lent 50-70-khkh – dramatizm. Da-da, fil'my etoy epokhi vtoroy poloviny 20 veka ne stol'ko strashnyye, dazhe yesli v grafe «zhanr» stoit «uzhasy», skol'ko dramatichnyye i glubokiye v emotsional'nom plane. Mozhet dazhe khotya by za eto stoit lyubit' staroye dobroye kino, potomu chto perezhivaniya vmeste s geroyami fil'ma dorogogo stoyat. Yest' moment, kotoryy slegka podportil oshchushcheniya ot prosmotra. Sozdayotsya vpechatleniye, chto kino snyato svoyeobraznymi «volnami» – ot odnogo dinamichnogo vpechatlyayushchego epizoda do drugogo. A mezhdu «volnami» obrazovyvayutsya nekiye ostrovki spokoystviya, posvyashchonnyye dolgim dialogam ili chut' zametnomu razvitiyu sobytiy, podchas eti «ostrovki» ves'ma skuchnyye i chrezmerno zatyanutyye, chto, chestno govorya, obshcheye vpechatleniye portit, pravda, nenamnogo. Itak, v arsenale dostoinstv fil'ma my imeyem bessmertnyy syuzhet, otlichnuyu igru aktorov, vpechatlyayushchiye spetseffekty, nenaigrannyy dramatizm, zhutkovatuyu atmosferu, pogruzhayushchuyu v sebya emotsional'nost' i – neozhidannuyu, podobnuyu kholodnomu dushu kontsovku. Rekomenduyetsya vsem lyubitelyam kinofantastiki i prosto tsenitelyam klassicheskogo kino raznykh zhanrov.
4283 / 5000
Результаты перевода
It is quite difficult and far from always possible to translate a literary work into the language of cinema. And even if an attempt is made, it is not a fact that it will be successful. It was successful not even in the sense of direct repetition of the work, but in terms of how the idea was conveyed and how much the tape would turn out to be digestible and relevant. Therefore, not everything written on paper ends up on the screen. Jack Finney's masterpiece was destined for a long and varied cinematic life, embodied in more than one film adaptation. By the way, this process continues to this day.
Philip Kaufman's 1978 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers is not the original version, but a remake of Don Siegel's classic 1956 Invasion. Interestingly, Kevin McCarthy (the protagonist of the "first" film) and Siegel himself took part in Kaufman's project, playing cameo roles (a running man and a taxi driver, respectively).
Rain. Unusual flowers bloom throughout the city. Very soon, residents of the city begin to notice strange changes taking place with their loved ones and acquaintances. But this is just the beginning. They will have to face the strange, apathetic behavior of those around them, with the bodies of sleeping people as if wrapped in a cocoon, with disgusting giant flowers giving birth to clones of sleeping people, with fear that seized the temporarily survivors and with the hopelessness of the situation.
The plot is such that if the picture was taken today, a not very pleasant word would have been said about it - a stamp. But this is today, when the film market is filled with stories repeating each other, competing only in the degree of computer involvement. And Siegel and Kaufman stood at the origins, and coped with their task brilliantly. Honor and praise to them for that. Not always and not everyone remembers the names of the founders of this or that phenomenon, but the above names are more than worthy to remain in memory.
From the very first shots, you can see the bar taken by the director. This is evidenced by the excellent special effects that appear at the very beginning and delight the viewer until the end of the film. Reproduction of spores, the formation of flowers, the birth of clones, a touching dog with a human face ... The work of Kaufman and the team is clearly not passable, otherwise we would not have seen such natural special effects, made simply top-quality and conscientiously. I never tire of singing the praises of the masters of the past decades, because no computer ever gives such a vivid atmospheric sensation, such a clear immersion in what is happening, that the picture on the screen and reality literally mix.
Donald Sutherland, as always, made only a favorable impression. It was quite interesting to see him at such an age, when his lush hairstyle had not yet been touched by gray hair, when his semi-comedic smile was not yet inherent in him. An absolutely serious thoughtful role, which he did an excellent job, in fact, like his colleagues Brooke Adams and Jeff Goldblum.
In the tape, the presence of even a slight humor is generally not observed. The reason for this is, firstly, the script based on the novel by Finney, a science fiction writer who is famous for his philosophical, deep, but not at all humorous storytelling, unlike many other writers of this genre; and secondly, the unchanging distinguishing feature of films of the 50-70s is drama. Yes, yes, the films of this era in the second half of the 20th century are not so much scary, even if the “genre” column is “horror”, as dramatic and deeply emotionally. Maybe even for this it is worth loving the good old movie, because the experiences with the heroes of the film are dear.
There is a point that slightly spoiled the viewing experience. One gets the impression that the movie was filmed in a kind of "waves" - from one dynamic, impressive episode to another. And between the “waves” some islands of calm are formed, dedicated to long dialogues or a slightly noticeable development of events, sometimes these “islands” are very boring and overly drawn out, which, frankly, spoils the overall impression, though not much.
So, in the arsenal of the advantages of the film, we have an immortal plot, excellent acting, impressive special effects, unplayed drama, an eerie atmosphere, immersed in emotionality and - an unexpected, cold-soul-like ending. Recommended for all fans of science fiction and simply connoisseurs of classic films of different genres.