Story Movie
![Godzilla King of the Monsters 4K 2019 Ultra HD 2160p]()
The story tells of the heroic efforts of the Monarch cryptozoological agency to contain giant monsters. This time, Rodan and the ultimate kaiju, the three-headed monster King Hydor, oppose the mighty Godzilla. When these ancient superpredators, eventually turned into half-forgotten myths, rise again in order to meet in a battle, humanity has to step aside and try not to die. Godzilla King of the Monsters 2019 4k trailer download.
Review 4K Movie
The story is quite funny, but typical for this genre: the restless people of planet Earth did not live quietly, and he decided to “release the Kraken”, not expecting the Kraken to come out all at once and start to tear each other's mouth (burn wings, bite their neck, tear off their heads) . Eccentrics will run into. And there the fairy tale ends.
Films about Godzilla King of the Monsters 4K in Japan began to be filmed since Terry 1954 - and almost 30 films were shot. But in the west, this franchise began sluggishly - with rare shorts and cartoons. As they say, nothing portended an immersion in Japanese folklore until Roland Emmerich filmed in 1998 the story of how young and stupid Matthew Broderick with a bunch of friends saves New York from destruction by a giant reptile.
At the box office, Emmerich’s work paid off three of his budgets, but, according to rumors, the copyright holders - the Japanese, were terribly disliked, so the sequel did not work out. But they apparently departed over time - and in 2014 we were presented with the updated “pro-Western” “Godzilla King of the Monsters 4K” from Garrett Edwards, who received a good cash register and good criticism. But what’s strange is that no matter who you ask now, what kind of associations they have when they ask for a movie about Godzilla King of the Monsters UHD, everyone remembers exactly the picture of Emmerich, not Edwards. All the same, the Japanese do not understand us! Just kidding.
Which of the "Godzill" in style is closer to "King of monsters"? And immediately to both. On the one hand, there is a lyrical beginning, a full-length drama and the creators ’desire to“ humanize ”that which should not be human - this is just the first“ Godzilla King of the Monsters UHD ”. On the other hand, the destruction, which has no number, and the effectiveness of the brawls at the “party” of huge monsters clearly send us to Godzilla King of the Monsters 2160p number two, when special effects reached a qualitatively new level ... However, special effects are, of course, good, but, for example, dragon "Faces" could be better - proved by the Game of Thrones.
Speaking of her. I adore Charles Dance - this is the best Tywin Lannister you can imagine. Incredibly textured, charismatic and impressive actor, but in “The Monster King” he has a miserable supporting role - and whom! Ideological eco-activist. In it, he - next to partners, when he does not shoot and does not make tough decisions (oh, how does that suit him!), Looks just like a chocolate muffin among dried loaves. Not that the other actors are bad. Not at all: Vera Farmiga, Ken Watanabe, Zhang Ziyi, Sally Hawkins, textured Aisha Hinds - each of them is a godsend for any director. But here one gets the full impression that their director Michael Dougherty scored all of them on the principle of “why not? - I can afford!". They all have nothing special to play here, although, for example, Farmiga tried very hard - she squeezed everything she could from her scenario arch. It’s not clear why Zhang Ziyi was called — the significance of her character is zero. For beauty? She is lovely. But all this is somehow ... wasteful or something ...
Of course, I understand: the main thing in such films is visual, special effects, bang and wow. That's why he is a blockbuster about giant monsters. But who said that one cannot successfully connect one with the other? Proved by Peter Jackson, whose “King Kong” is very effective, but balanced and in every sense dramatic. It is curious, by the way, that both of these films are united by one actor - Kyle Chandler, who is one of the main ones in The King of Monsters, but is far less bright than in his episodic role in King Kong.
In general, I liked Godzilla 2 4K . The main thing when viewing is to turn off the logic and all knowledge of the laws of physics and biology. Otherwise, trouble)) I managed to concentrate on admiring Dans and on the emotions for a couple of cute monsters. But I love stories from the category of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," even if this enemy is scary as hell - not in vain, for example, the best in the Alien franchise (except, of course, the second film from Cameron), I consider the broken-down critics of the “Alien vs. Predator” of 2004 ... It’s so humanly, probably, subconsciously wanting “friendship” with the great ones: they scare us, delight and fascinate us, but if we love, take us into allies, or at least endure, we have something to be proud of. The hint of continuing in the finale is more than obvious.