Story Movie
The story of growing up of four sisters who are different from each other. The Civil War is raging somewhere, but the problems the girls face are as relevant as ever: first love, bitter disappointment, lingering separation and the difficult search for themselves and their place in life.
Review 4K Movie
The story of “Little Women” at the movies begins with the Oscars. Back in 1934, screenwriters Victor Herman and Sarah J. Mason won a well-deserved award for their adaptation of Louisa May Olcott's novel. Whether it comes as a surprise to you, it certainly does to me, but the novel Little Women does not end with a wedding. The story of the March sisters, which we know from the acclaimed films, which we know through the talent and work of two gifted writers, consists of two Olcott novels, Little Women and the one that came out a year later, The Good Wives. The Herman - Mason duo created the backbone for all subsequent screen adaptations, and all that was left for the screenwriters who followed them was to perfect the form, and to flesh out the acting with more realistic dialog. If the 1933 version was the benefit of one actress (Katharine Hepburn managed to reveal her comedic talent, her Joe is an ideal that cannot be repeated, all subsequent actresses had to find something new in this ugly duckling), the 1994 version, not only was directed by a woman, could boast of not only a stellar cast, but how harmoniously they created the atmosphere of a real family. To stay in history, Greta Gerwig needed to outshine two rivals at once in 2019. Honestly, she did. She made the strangest, most inarticulate and egotistical version of the famous novel. That's Greta, who conquered America with her weird dancing.
What's wrong with the painting? The overall impression is that it's too showy. Like, look at me - I'm different, I think outside the box, nominate me for an Oscar. And when you take the movie apart, you get even more confirmed in the idea that a movie in which the director once again shows that the main object on the set is her ego is nothing to love.
We're used to Little Women being a classic linear narrative. Greta says screw it! The endless time jumps make the picture uninteresting to watch. For example, the meeting of Laurie and Amy in Europe at the beginning of the picture finds its logical continuation only after an hour of screen time. During this time I manage to forget what was the salt of the dramaturgy and its consequences leave me absolutely indifferent.
We are used to the fact that the March sisters are the embodiment of four types of temperament: Joe is a typical choleric, Amy is a sanguine, Meg is a phlegmatic and Beth is a melancholic. It is extremely important to show that these four persons can not exist separately, only in close communication, they can positively affect each other, reveal their best features, temper the shortcomings. Joe needs Meg's cool judgment, Amy can't curb her vanity without Joe's selflessness, Meg will never marry without the support of Amy's communication skills, and Beth needs them all. Greta says screw it! She doesn't care about characterization, because the viewer, in the novel's nearly century-long life on the blue screen, knows who's who. Greta is more important to emphasize the sisters' ambitions to make a career: Jo dreams of becoming a writer, Amy - a painter, Beth - a musician, Meg - an actress. Sew these modern ambitions to the established images so that the output turned out to be real personalities, imagination, experience, and most importantly - hard work Greta lacks. Therefore, the March sisters of the sample of 2019 are crumpled types without a drop of life.
We are used to the March family living in difficult times. America is torn apart by the Civil War. Hunger is juxtaposed with selfish luxury. A mother's role in helping to nurture true values is essential. Susan Sarandon remains the best embodiment of Mrs. March. Greta says screw it! The older generation of actresses simply have nothing to play. One has to wonder, such a significant project for women, and Streep didn't even get an Oscar nomination. Dern did not lose and gave all of himself to “Marriage History”. Her Nora Fanshawe wipes the nose of Pew and Ronan combined. Greta didn't bother to create any sparkling or dramatic dialog that could reflect the characters of minor, but very important, characters.
We're used to the fact that despite growing up, tragedies, and changes in society, the March family remains a family, a place where you can find support to launch into adulthood. And that's where Greta turns on Wes Anderson. But Greta is not Wes. In his work, she sees only the cover, as one critic put it - a jewelry box. Wes's stuffing - his love for each of his characters, his desire to create a family of unrelated people - is beyond her. Greta creates a revolution - she allows a literary character not to agree to the deal. And Greta does not care about the audience's bewilderment - whether I was watching a biopic or a film adaptation. If it's a film adaptation, it failed. If it's a biography, Greta is an unreliable narrator. Her Jo - Louise is more like an ADD teenager than an active feminist and abolitionist who wasn't ashamed of her ungodly profession as a laundress or seamstress.
It was much more important for Greta Gerwig to emphasize Joe's self-sufficiency rather than what she could extend her independence to, how she could influence society and make life better for the people around her. Where Greta gets this arrogance in her is beyond my comprehension. Fact is, she should learn to be grateful. After all, without the love and protégé Noah Baumback, she would not have achieved the status so far of being the only female director of our time capable of competing with men for a major award in Hollywood.