Story Movie
Mid-twenty-seventh century. On the colonized planet Star Jackson, the sun never rises and almost the entire population works in mines. Rain, a girl with android Andy, whom she calls her brother, was about to move to another planet, but the corporation unilaterally extended her contract for another five years. An opportunity to escape arises when a group of Rain's friends decides to infiltrate a passing derelict spaceship with the necessary equipment for a long journey.
Review 4K Movie
Let's warn you that before our personal acquaintance with the new movie we didn't believe the masters Scott and Cameron, who praised “Alien: Romulus”. The first independently buried the cult universe, leaving a scorched earth after “Covenant”. The second actively praised every new “Terminator” by David Ellison. Faith was only in Uruguayan Fede Alvarez, whose appointment as director inspired great optimism. Nugget, for 300 bucks collected an impressive short film, then unparalleled and cleverly filmed a full-length debut - nothing less than a remake of “The Evil Dead”. This time the inspiration was a deleted scene that James Cameron restored in the extended special edition of “Aliens”. There's a moment where Alvarez saw a bunch of kids running around the colony in question in the movie. He thought about what it was like to grow up there and said to himself, “if I ever tell a story in this universe, I'll definitely be interested in these kids when they're in their twenties.”
In general, it was in Aliens that the Uruguayan national first encountered xenomorphs. “It's always been my favorite science fiction movie, hardly more than all the others. And obviously because it has an element of horror that makes it so unique,” Alvarez said. As a result, audiences around the world quite reasonably expected a horror movie to be brutal, violent, with blood and an R rating. Is the movie really such a movie? We can say with a certain degree of certainty: yes! Fede Alvarez, noticeably gray for the last six years, has coped with the task of showing unimaginable horror, when it is already terrible to die, and if you die all alone, and even in open space, where no one can hear your scream, then it is terrible. The collective protagonist in the person of several young boys goes to the abandoned space station, consisting of two parts “Romulus” and “Remus”. They consider this case an easy ride, as they need to find long term charged cryocapsules. Why? They want to get the hell out of their colony. The urge is strong.
And when you take a look at their colony, you know what it's all about. It's pitch black, the sunlight's forgotten its way to the planet, there's crooks all around. A girl named Raine has honestly worked her allotted 18,000 units, but the all-powerful and sinister Weyland-Yutani Corporation, represented by its secretary, falsely informs her that they have decided to extend the term because there are not enough skilled hands in the mines. Rein's plans are ruined, she will not be free, she will have to stay with her android for another 5 years in places so far away. Such a harsh beginning, admittedly, perfectly complements the Alien universe. In pursuit of colonization of other planets in the future, people themselves did not notice how cleverly they became slaves of the system, which simply will not let go until it digests its screws to the fullest. In general, the brave Rayne is discouraged, but the Universe decided to give her a sign, and here as here comes the very case with the theft of cryocapsules from a derelict station right above the heads of the heroes. But they couldn't have imagined what they'd encounter there. They couldn't have known it was a one-way ticket.... A real tragedy for guys and girls looking for the good life.
A little bit their voyage reminded me of the iconic “Through the Horizon” when one crew gets on another crew's ship to find out what happened to all the missing crew members. The suffocating and sticky atmosphere of suspense paints grim and repulsive images that will materialize into a terrifying reality a little later. For the sake of demonstrating horror it is quite enough, because claustrophobia skillfully tickles the nerves and makes you freeze and listen to what is happening around you. And around is the enemy... Believe me, one facehugger is not enough for the creators. The trailer makes it clear that modern muvemakers now have the luxury of reproducing what Ridley Scott and his cohorts couldn't afford during the making of the first movie. During the long final credits you will see a lot of Hungarian names among the technical staff, there were specialists from Weta, ILM. These guys went all out, masterfully combining visual and practical effects. Scary and gory, and THAT ending... It's brutally gut-wrenching.
The official trailers don't seem to mention the ending. That's great, because personally we didn't expect to see such a twist! “Alien: Romulus” and so during 2 hours actively echoes the first films of the franchise, and at the end directly rhymes with the very scene when almost undressed Ellen Ripley realizes that the Alien is far from over. It's also where the lovely Kaylee Spanney will face off with.... Spoiler! Yeah, when you see the whole thing, it may seem like total bullshit, like, camon, Mr. Alvarez, why would you put something like that in the script. But it's also so damn catchy, it makes the sleepers wake up, it raises the rating of the movie, because before you think that the movie is just not bad and watchable. Believe me, the surprise comes when you watch it on the big screen. Plus you need to have a great sound system in the theater room. Plus Benjamin Wallfisch has prepared unusual and ear-cutting music that lays brilliantly under the most intense scenes. Both admire with your eyes and listen with your ears while watching. A marvelous idyll.
If you have a chance to find behind the scenes, do not be lazy to familiarize yourself. Practical effects in the novelty of the rental is enough. So much warms the soul. The actors were lucky, they didn't always have to stare at a green tennis ball to represent the monsters. The monsters moved in front of them, attacked them, inspired terror. And now how can we forget the appearance of the grown xenomorph from the cocoon, a whole mini-masterpiece! Now it feels like it's worth going once next week to enjoy the Alien feast.... And even though the idea of young humans on a dangerous ship is a bit unsettling at first, everything looks just right. These kids did not go on the mission out of nothing to do, because they were tired of surviving in a colony of eternal darkness, which the director himself compared to the Third World countries, one of which he himself was once born in. Unlike their parents, the guys are trying to punch the ticket to a better life on their own. It is only a pity that on the way there are deadly creatures with whom there is no agreement, nothing can be explained to them. One goal - to destroy and multiply.
Nasty vibes are exuded by a terrible laboratory on the station, in which inhuman experiments were conducted, and staying in it just for nothing will not go in vain. In general, the scenario works, because the mysterious station will collide with the asteroid belt in 30 hours, the kids thought they could do it in half an hour. Due to circumstances, the calculation of time reduced, the heroes have to hurry to get out of the abode of evil, while a type with acid instead of blood hangs around. It's nice that there are no stupid cliffhangers. Ends with no hint of a sequel. The first shot of the movie is beautiful: no sound, because space.